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SOIL PROTECTION Catalunya - the Balearic Islands / Principality of Andorra


soil protection (general information)


Vienna Soil Declaration


soil functions

sustainability criteria

degradation and control processes

soil protection criteria

soil quality indicators

soil maps

what is soil information used fort?

the purpose of soil maps

soil series and correlation

characteristics of a soils map

management and interpretation of soil information on a digital interface

Soil Series and Soil Types catalogue of Catalonia



soil Types (> 2010)

soil Series (1993 - 2009)


Degradation process:

Due to sodification.


This process is very infrequent in Spain. It consists of an increase in the percentage of sodium exchanged (ESP >15%), which induces the dispersion of clay and organic matter. Physical properties are very unfavourable in these soils. The capillary rise of highly alkaline water (pH 10-12) dissolves organic matter which is translocated and deposited on the soil surface in the form of a black efflorescence.

Importance: occasional in Spain.

   Click on the image
Ampliar foto When phenophtaleine turns
pink, this indicates that the
pH of the water in contact with
the soil is above 9:Process
of sodification (J. Porta)

   Click on the image Ampliar foto Degradation processes by sodification: dispersed sodic clay.
(J. Porta)

    Click on the image
Ampliar foto The highly alkaline water
dissolves the organic matter
and on evaporation deposits
a black crust on the soil
surface. Indus-Ganges
nplains (India)
(J. Porta)

Functions of the affected soils:

Production of biomass, hydrological function, environmental transformation functions.

Diagnostic criteria:

Appearance of the vegetation. Plant communities present. Study of the soil profile. Soil reaction. Degradation of the structure, tunnel erosion.

Prevention and control:

Field sampling and chemical analyses in the laboratory. Quality control applied to irrigation water. Once a soil has been degraded by sodification it is very difficult to recover.

                                             Click on the image
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Degradació de sòls per sodificació en regadius.
Soil degradation by sodification in irrigated areas.
Structural degradation can be observed on the surface,
which reduces infiltration. There will also be
problems of sodium toxicity. Urgell (J. M. Villar)

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