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SOIL PROTECTION Catalunya - the Balearic Islands / Principality of Andorra


soil protection (general information)


Vienna Soil Declaration


soil functions

sustainability criteria

degradation and control processes

soil protection criteria

soil quality indicators

soil maps

what is soil information used fort?

the purpose of soil maps

soil series and correlation

characteristics of a soils map

management and interpretation of soil information on a digital interface

Soil Series and Soil Types catalogue of Catalonia



soil Types (> 2010)

soil Series (1993 - 2009)


Degradation process:

Due to gleization (excess water).

Description :

Gleization should not be considered a degradation process in all cases, but rather a characteristic of the soils of deltas, estuaries and flood plains, among others.

Importance: this depends on the geographical .

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Gleization: redox patterns, iron and manganese
oxide mottles and concretions caused by
excess water in the soil
(J. M. Alcaņiz)

Soil functions affected:

Food production (restricted to species adapted to excess water), hydrological functions (infiltration and percolation affecting the water table), functions relating to supporting buildings and infrastructure.

Diagnostic criteria:

The presence of hydrophilous plant communities constitutes an indicator. Soil profile study (imperfect drainage, reduction greys or mottling and iron and manganese concretions, presence of sulphides, etc.).

Prevention and control:

Soils with gleization processes constitute ecosystems to should be protected and that can be used for rice cultivation.

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Rice cultivation (with denomination of origin)
constitutes a good option for the use of soils
with excess water. Empordā (Girona, Spain)
(J. Porta)

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