links of interest

information of interest

documents of interest





SOIL PROTECTION Catalunya - the Balearic Islands / Principality of Andorra


soil protection (general information)


Vienna Soil Declaration


soil functions

sustainability criteria

degradation and control processes

soil protection criteria

soil quality indicators

soil maps

what is soil information used fort?

the purpose of soil maps

soil series and correlation

characteristics of a soils map

management and interpretation of soil information on a digital interface

Soil Series and Soil Types catalogue of Catalonia



soil Types (> 2010)

soil Series (1993 - 2009)



The soil scientist who maps a given territory would prefer to be able to delimit “pure” map units, in other words, those corresponding to a single taxonomical unit. Unfortunately, this is not usually possible and complex map units consisting of more than one taxonomical unit must often be represented.

The objective of a soil map, the complexity of the soil distribution pattern within the landscape and the map scale make it necessary to establish different kinds of map units.

The main map units used are as follows:

– the simple unit, characterised by a single soil class;

– soil consociations;

– soil complexes;

– soil associations;

– undifferentiated soil groups;

– taxadjuncts;

– miscellaneous areas;

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map of mapped areas

maps of existing soil

search by municipality / parishes

search by quadrate

small scale maps and maps of historical interest

bibliographical references

soils in images